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As a patron, you will receive guaranteed Meet Dyoro content, including exclusive behind the scenes material, character introductions, important Meet Dyoro news, and teasers for the comic. If you've been following Meet Dyoro for a while now, you'll also get additional chapters to stay ahead.


The story has begun! First chapter out now!
Support Meet Dyoro to speed up the comic production!

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your support plays a vital role in bringing THE STORY OF MEET DYORO to the hearts and minds of people everywhere.


Embark on a journey with the protagonist, Dyoro, an adopted member of the Meton Tribe, who is struggling to find his independence as an Eclipse fruit-hunter while fighting to protect his tribe and loved ones from the relentless Saddamakan army.

In the midst of an eclipse cycle, the Saddamakan army seeks to absorb the Chaké of various tribes to achieve the mythical Chaké Duality. Unbeknownst to Dyoro, his fate is intertwined with the Saddamakan army's dark ambition, and he must push beyond his limits to protect those he cares about.

As Dyoro and his brother Kyeno strive to overcome their past and unlock their hidden powers, they find themselves in the company of formidable allies and facing treacherous foes. Together with their best friend Inugi, they embark on a quest to seek help before the Saddamakans return.

Meet Dyoro is a story that explores the true meaning of family, sacrifice, and the bonds that hold us together. As our heroes unravel the mysteries surrounding their origins, they learn valuable lessons about trust, friendship, and what it means to fight for a cause greater than oneself.

Thank You, we'll be in touch soon.


As a devoted fan or an enchanted newcomer to the mystical realm of Meet Dyoro, you hold the power to make a world of difference! Your support will not only fuel the creative fires behind this incredible story, but also help us bring more breathtaking adventures and unforgettable moments to life for you and our ever-growing community of fans.

Here's how you can become the ultimate Meet Dyoro champion and embark on a captivating journey with us:

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Connect with fellow fans:
Join our Meet Dyoro WhatsApp for one on one convo's or the Discord channel, and dive into exciting discussions, theories, and fan art. Your engagement will not only make our community more vibrant but also inspire us to create even more captivating content.

🔮 Unleash Your Inner Patron 🔮

Support our creative quest:
By becoming a Meet Dyoro patron on Patreon, your financial support will allow us to improve the production process and quality of our webcomic. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant impact on our ability to create awe-inspiring artwork and gripping storylines.

Reap the rewards:
As a Meet Dyoro patron, you'll gain exclusive access to a treasure trove of behind-the-scenes content, early releases, and bonus materials. You'll be the first to know about upcoming chapters, character reveals, and even have the chance to influence the storyline through patron-only polls.

💫 Forge the Future of Meet Dyoro 💫

Together, we can unlock the full potential of Meet Dyoro, transforming it from a hidden gem into a dazzling beacon of the fantasy webcomic, manga, and anime universe. Your support will help us expand our creative team, allowing us to release chapters faster and bring you more exhilarating adventures.

Embrace your destiny, and join us in weaving an extraordinary tale that will be remembered for generations to come.

Support the magic today and let your inner star shine bright! 🌟

Thank you!